Psychotherapy for depression, the symptoms of a depression psychologist Brussels

Psychotherapy session

What is fascinating in many of our psychotherapy sessions, is the relatively limited time that is needed before the psychologists understands your problem and has a clear picture of it. When you come to your consultation session and tell your therapist about your problem, we will first of all consider together how this problem occurs, where it comes from and the impact it has on you and your life

Psychotherapy for depression

Diagnosing oneself as suffering from depression or not is not always possible. For a professional opinion, you are advised to speak to your attending physician, a psychiatrist or a psychologist. Certain medical and physiological causes can sometimes bring about […]

Psychotherapy for depression at Psychologist Brussels

Do you wonder if you are depressed? Seek confirmation from a professional.

Diagnosing oneself as suffering from depression or not is not always possible. For a professional opinion, you are advised to speak to your attending physician, a psychiatrist or a psychologist.

Certain medical and physiological causes can sometimes bring about depressive episodes, for example. More specific mental disorders can also lead to symptoms of depression. Only a health professional will be able to make a correct diagnosis.

The most common symptoms of depression

The primary signs of depression are often the same signs that we generally associate with boredom, or even with melancholy. Intense fatigue, muscular lethargy, an ongoing loss of motivation for daily activities and enthusiasm for the future are also signs that a bad time is starting.

Here are some symptoms of a depressive state:

  • Ever-present worries that you obsess about
  • Irritability, annoyance
  • Mental and physical fatigue
  • “Lethargy”, lack of energy and spirit
  • Problems concentrating and lack of interest for things in general
  • Absences, loss of memory
  • Trouble eating, or with yor relationship with food, weight highs and lows
  • Insomnia, panic attacks in the night, difficulty in falling asleep
  • Permanent guilty feeling, generally “highly strung” state

No need to hesitate, just take the first step and get in touch !

If you need further information, you wish to ask a more specific question, or you want a psychologist’s opinion of your case, call the secretariat to make an appointment or send an email to the secretariat of Psychologist Brussels’s practice for the attention of the psychologist of your choice.